Welcome to the inagural edition of "The Built Environment: Good, bad, and really ugly". This blog is dedicating to my musings and views on the built environment, including, but not limited to planning, landscape architecture, architecture, and place making. My goal is to write about what makes a good place and a good built environment. I will show examples, and pictures. Of course, occasionally I will turn myself into a critic and write about something that I find that is really ugly. My intention is to focus more on new urbanist related projects, and those that do well at creating a sense of place and liveable communities. I also know, however, that new urbanism isn't for everyone, so I will also write about those gems, or lack thereof, in the suburbs.
I am a landscape architect and planner by trade. My colleagues and myself design the neighborhoods you live in, the shopper centers you shop at, and the parks you play in. And yes, I know I can be a bit hypocritical, after all, I have clients that have their own wishes and desires. That, and I have to put food on the table too!
Anyway, we will see where this takes us! Enjoy, and post a comment if you wish!
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