Today started off as another gorgeous day. I didn’t sleep that well during the night, little Ben came in the middle of the night and pretty much snored away…or it could have been the Tequila keeping me up. Lalie, Robert, and his boys went for there hike at the Fiery Fireplace, leaving about 9, and not planning to be back till around 2. The kids and I hung around the condo for awhile, with me finding one of the internet spots and going through all my email. Finally we decided to go into town for some bike riding. Hannah fixed us a picnic lunch. Of course, I decided to tour around, and skipped taking the highway into town, electing for the back roads.
On this back road, we found a small park, and stopped there for a bit so the kids could play. It was pretty cool, and had a music park where there were some drum type things, and lots of bells the kids could bang on. They had a blast! After this we went downtown, and found a place to rent a bike trailer for Ben, then we hopped on the river trail, and followed it till we got back to the park. Ben played again, and then we all had our picnic lunch. Afterwards we found that the park was actually the end of the trail, and then we headed back. We found a little ice cream store that makes there own, and I even broke down and had an ice cream. We met up with Lalie and the gang there, before heading back to the condo. At the condo, I went for another bike ride up the road from the condo till I hit the end. It wasn’t all that long, maybe ½ mile, but the climb, OMG. Went up about 1,000 feet. There was a 4 wheel drive trail/ bike trail at the end, but it was too sandy to go far.
Later, Lalie and I went for a drive. We wound up getting on some road that took us up to the LaSalle Mountains in short order. Very pretty and still snow up there. When we got back, Robert and the kids were repelling down the rocks behind the condo. Hannah had a blast with that.
For dinner we all went to a little Mexican restaurant in town. Of course, I had another marg. The food was good; I ventured out some and had a steak fajita. Not much excitement for the evening, other than I got back into the hot tub after everyone went to bed so I could soothe my muscles.
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